[.NET Internals 08] What about Large Object Heap (LOH)?
So far within the .NET Internals series we focused on Small Object Heap (SOH). We know, for instance, that the LOH is not compacted (by default) during garbage collection. So how is it actually handled by the GC?
[.NET Internals 06] Generational garbage collection
Continuing .NET Internals series on the blog, today we’re going to see what is generational garbage collection. You’ll also get to know what is a card table data structure and for what it’s used 🙂
[.NET Internals 05] Garbage collection: marking, collection and heaps compaction
Today, in the next article from .NET Internals series on my blog, we’re going to investigate how the garbage collector (GC) actually releases the memory (which is its main purpose as could be read here), what is marking phase and how the managed heaps are compacted in order to optimize the process. We’ll also see when may the collection be triggered.
[.NET Internals 04] What is Garbage Collection? Memory allocation in .NET
In the next, 4th post from .NET Internals series, we’re going to meet a new friend called Garbage Collector, discuss this guy’s main responsibilities and see what is memory allocation in .NET applications and how it works.
Ready? Let’s start then! 😉
[.NET Internals 03] Boxing and unboxing
As we are already familiar with the basics of memory and data structures used by .NET applications, in this third post from .NET Internals series we’re going to dig into boxing and unboxing and their performance implications.
[.NET Internals 02] Stack and heap – .NET data structures
In the second post of .NET Internals series, we’re going to investigate the organization of .NET process’s memory. We’ll see what is stack and heap and what kind of data is stored on each of these memory structures.
[.NET Internals 01] Basics of memory structure
Have you ever wondered about what’s under the hood of the applications you develop?
Ever been surprised that there’s no need to worry about memory allocation and deallocation using high-level programming languages such as Java or C# after leaving the university* ?
Still remember (old) C++ times with delete statement?

By this post, I’d like to introduce a new “.NET Internals” series on the blog. I will be publishing a new post on .NET internal concepts every Wednesday. No end date for the moment 🙂
Managing Activity state changes using Bundle
Today we’re going to see how to manage (keep and restore) state of Activities in Xamarin.Android application in order to keep the app consistent and reactive for configuration/state changes.
Date selection using DatePickerDialog in Xamarin.Android
In this post, we’re going to see how to provide a nice Android UI control for selecting the date using DatePickerDialog.