Using SQLite database in Xamarin.Android

I started to define development tasks to be done within MoneyBack project in the coming days (maybe I’ll even publish my Trello board soon 🙂 ) and it turned out that each functionality the app is going to offer needs persistent storage (e.g. to store people, payments, events etc.). The obvious choice is the local database in which I could store my entities and application’s data.

In this post, I’d like to show you how quickly and easily SQLite database can be added and started to be used in Xamarin.Android project using SQLite.NET and Visual Studio 2017.

Simple habits for better productivity

It’s been a really tough week, so today I have a non-technical post for you. I’m going to move on with the project this weekend, so I can put some technical stuff here tomorrow.

If you don’t really care about productivity, organization of your days, planning of tasks to be done during next X days, this post is for you 🙂 I totally didn’t care as well, but I felt a bit disorganized, I knew I could do more or at least be conscious of what I’m able to do and what I’m not. Finally, without studying anything like GTD, I managed to introduce few simple habits to my everyday life that make my life easier, allow to complete some tasks faster and make me aware of what I have to do and when. I’d like to share those manners with you – maybe you’ll also find them helpful.